C145 Glue Tape with a 30 cm width on rolls of 100 meter..............
ne of the most important parts of the Henko A&T glue system is the gluing machine.........
The Hand Gluebox is made for spreading glue. The amount of adhesive can be adjusted by changing the height of the comb.
The best way to sand artificial grass. This self-propelled machine divides the sand equally over the field........
The brush on this engine driven device is for brushing artificial grass both for installation and maintenance and has been especially.......
The Grasshopper is developed to put pressure on the artificial grass seams to ensure maximum adhesion of the glue.
The Line Cutter is especially designed for cutting circles and lines. For example the corner circle and the mid circle in a football field.
This stainless steel knife is designed for cutting off the woven edge of the artificial grass. This is done by turning over the edge of the artificial grass, so that the underside of the edge is exposed.
his stainless steel knife ensures a straight and precise cut in the grass with the right amount of clearance between the two grass sections....
After the application of glue, grass-fibers can get stuck in the glue. This grass splitter is designed to get the grass fibers unstuck from the glue....
This device can be used standing upright in a correct ergonomic position to adjust the grass seams with very little force. The construction is strengthened up and improved ....
he Turf Grip is ideal to move artificial grass. Because of the teeth and the ergonomic grip you can put out a lot of force without using a lot of strength.....
This brush has 3 purposes : brushing the grass fibers so that they will stand upright, spreading the infill, removing debris from the turf. Most brushes will damage....
The Brush Mat ensures that the synthetic grass fibers to be put back nicely upright.....
This professional glue is a polyurethane glue for various applications in both wet and dry conditions......
Semi-automatic paver for athletic tracks and multipurpose sports surfaces. Working width up to 2,700 mm (8,5 foot); area performance max. 730m²/h.....